Monday, November 10, 2008


The Souls of people, on their way to Earth-life,

pass through a room full of Lights;

Each takes a Taper

(often only a spark)

to guide it in the dim country of this world.

But some souls are rare fortune

they are detained longer and have time

to grab a handful of Tapers which they weave into a Torch.

These are the Torch-Bearers of humanity...

its Poets, Seers, and Saints,

who lead and lift the race out of darkness

towards the Light.

They are the lawgivers and the Saviors,

the Light-Bring..ers,

Way- Show..ers and


and without them,

would Loose its way in the Dark ....
Prose by “PLATO "
Artwork by ~ Scott Grimando ~

1 comment:

iappearjiggy said...

Hi Cristi;
Thanks for sharing such beautiful things on your blog. Ten years ago today I celebrated the completion of the first segment of core trainings that brought an entirely new perspective on life; one more in alignment with the things you have posted. Keep shining your light!